About Us

Chabad Academy instills academic excellence and holistic development. We aim to grow into a diverse community committed to fostering Personal Growth and Character Building


Application Process

Online Application: Simply fill out our online application form.

Free Registration: Enjoy free registration until June 5, 2024.

Scholarship Deadline: All scholarship applications must be submitted by June 5, 2024.

Important Note

Scholarship Processing: We can only process scholarship requests received by June 1 or September.

Late Scholarship Requests: Requests received after these dates will be processed in December. Full tuition will be required in the interim.

Admission Criteria

We're looking for students who are

Curious: Eager to explore new ideas and perspectives.

Motivated: Driven to achieve their goals and succeed academically.

Engaged: Excited to participate in our dynamic learning community.

Ready to apply?


Chabad Academy Staff


Rabbi Moshe Levin



Rivkah Roth 


Assistant Principal 

Theodore Siegel 


Permission Forms

Permission Slip for Early Dismissal

Press the link below to be taken to the early dismissal form. You are required to fill this out before your student leaves school.

Consent Form: Unattended Walk Home

Please complete this form if you wish to give your child permission to walk home from school unattended.

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